Developmental and Learning Disorders

Developmental and Learning Disorders in North Miami, FL

While it's normal for children and teens to find schoolwork difficult, Developmental and Learning Disorders can create added educational issues for youth in North Miami, Florida

These disorders may affect up to five percent of North Miami, Florida childhood at any given time. Rachel Azrin, BCBA offers diagnosis and therapy by qualified mental health professionals who specialize in child and adolescent mental health. Listed here are a few of the common Development and Learning Disorders treated by our experts.

North Miami, FL Pervasive Developmental Disorders 

Pervasive Developmental Disorders are group of disorders that affect verbal, motor and behavioural growth in children. Autism, Asperger's Disorder, Childhood Disintegrative Disorder, and Rett Syndrome are classified as pervasive developmental disorders. Indicators of PDD may include difficulty in schoolwork, inability to understand social cues, and peculiar speech patterns. 

Because these disorders have symptoms which can be misunderstood, and since the very same symptoms may be present for numerous ailments, it is crucial to receive diagnosis and treatment from a professional with expertise in childhood ailments and treatment. Rachel Azrin, BCBA is a mental health clinic in the North Miami, Florida area which offers offers qualified and effective treatment to children with PDD in North Miami, Florida and the surrounding environs.

North Miami, FL Autism 

Autism is a disease which becomes evident in the first few years of a child's life. Symptoms include difficulty with verbal communication, avoidance of eye contact, difficulty interpreting social cues, clear indifference to the feelings of others, an aversion to touch, and a strong taste for everyday routine. It is necessary to be aware that not all autistic kids are savants, rather than all experience acute symptoms.

Rachel Azrin, BCBA's experienced Child therapists have worked together with many Rachel Azrin, BCBA child mental health associations and can provide a personalized treatment plan for your child. With swift and efficient treatment, many autistic children grow to be incorporated members of society.

North Miami, FL Asperger's Disorder 

Asperger's Disorder is a kind of high-functioning Autism in which affected children display milder kinds of standard autism symptoms. Avoidance of eye contact, strange speech patterns, and stunted motor abilities are common symptoms. Conversely, a child who suffers from Asperger's Disorder may have above-average cognitive abilities; many who receive treatment are able to participate in basic or advanced scholastic programs. 

Should you suspect your child may have Asperger's Syndrome or another form of Autism, Rachel Azrin, BCBA in North Miami, Florida will happily give you adequate remedy treatment for your special needs child. With proper treatment, many children with this disease acquire successful careers and adult independence.

North Miami, FL Specific Language and Learning Disabilities 

Specific Language and Learning Disabilities become evident in a secondary or primary school and might continue into adulthood. A kid with such disabilities may experience difficulty reading, writing, working together with mathematical formulas, with logic, and observing social cues.

In contrast to popular belief, most children with these disabilities do not have low intelligence; in fact, Specific Language and Learning Disabilities are only diagnosed when a child's academic achievement is significantly lower than their academic capacity. North Miami, Florida's Rachel Azrin, BCBA regards every child as an individual, and can assist him or her in overcoming any academic struggles associated with these disorders.

If your child has been diagnosed with a Developmental or Learning Disorder, or when you suspect your child is at risk, contact Rachel Azrin, BCBA to get a totally free, no-obligation consultation with one of our intake pros. Rachel Azrin, BCBA provides a diversity of child treatment and psychiatric experts who can assist you and your child in overcoming these disorders. The earlier treatment starts the sooner and more readily your kid can overcome their disability.

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